Republican Resistance Blocks Medical Cannabis Legalization Push in North Carolina

Republican Resistance Blocks Medical Cannabis Legalization Push in North Carolina

Republican resistance has effectively halted the push for medical cannabis legalization in North Carolina. State House Speaker Tim Moore believes that the opposition from Republican lawmakers has doomed the prospects of passing the Compassionate Care Act in 2023. Despite the state Senate’s approval of the bill, which aimed to provide access to smokable flower for patients with 15 qualifying medical conditions in a tightly regulated market, the House took no further action beyond a committee hearing.

The news story reflects a recurring pattern in North Carolina’s legislative history regarding the push for medical cannabis legalization. North Carolina, like many conservative-leaning states, has traditionally faced challenges in embracing cannabis policy changes due to concerns over public health, law enforcement, and moral considerations.

In recent years, however, there has been an increasing public acceptance of medical cannabis as a viable treatment option for various health conditions. This has led to a shift in public opinion, with a majority of Americans now supporting medical cannabis legalization. Despite this trend, translating public support into legislative action can be difficult, especially in states with conservative political climates.

North Carolina’s struggle with medical cannabis legalization is not unique. In 2021, a similar bill passed the state Senate but failed to advance in the House, illustrating the challenges faced in achieving bipartisan consensus on the issue. This recurring pattern suggests a significant divide within the state’s legislative bodies when it comes to cannabis policy.

State House Speaker Tim Moore’s statement about the bill’s fate reflects the influence of party dynamics within the legislative process. Republican lawmakers, who hold a majority in the House, voiced their opposition to the bill. According to House Republican Caucus rules, a bill must have majority support from members before it can be heard on the floor, making it difficult for the bill to advance. Even if the bill had received support from some Democratic members, Republican opposition would have been the deciding factor.

Despite this setback, there is hope for renewed efforts in the future. Speaker Moore remains optimistic that the issue will be addressed again when the next legislative session begins in May. Proponents of medical cannabis legalization are likely to regroup and strategize during this time, aiming to build broader support and address concerns raised by opponents.

The future of medical cannabis in North Carolina hangs in the balance, as stakeholders continue to engage in discussions, emphasizing the potential benefits for patients and the economic impact of a regulated cannabis market. Proponents will likely highlight the growing body of evidence supporting the therapeutic uses of cannabis and its potential to provide relief for patients with qualifying medical conditions. They may also address concerns raised by opponents, such as implementing strict regulations to ensure safety and prevent abuse.

As the legislative landscape evolves and public opinion continues to shift, the push for medical cannabis legalization in North Carolina may face renewed momentum. It remains to be seen how the issue will unfold in subsequent legislative sessions, but the ongoing dialogue and advocacy efforts indicate a persistent drive to bring medical cannabis access to patients in need.

Source: Mjbizdaily


Major Corporations Investing in Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, major corporations are increasingly taking notice and investing in the industry. In April of 2023, a major beverage company announced a $100 million investment in a cannabis-infused drink startup, signaling the growing trend of large corporations entering the cannabis space.

The Significance of Medical Cannabis in Shifting Public Attitudes

New Frontier Data recently unveiled the first part of their report titled “Cannabis Consumers in America 2023: An Overview of Consumers Today.” This comprehensive study delves into the preferences, behaviors, and beliefs of over 4,300 adult cannabis consumers, as well as the perspectives of more than 1,100 non-consumers regarding potential cannabis use and their opinions about the plant.

Here is a map of all the cannabis stores in New Jersey 2023

The state of New Jersey has always been at the forefront of progressive changes, and with the legalization of recreational cannabis, it has taken another step towards pioneering new paths. As the Garden State embraces a budding industry, it is crucial for residents and entrepreneurs alike to understand the cannabis shop landscape in New Jersey.

Historic Milestone: Georgia Becomes First State to Allow Medical Cannabis Sales in Hundreds of Pharmacies

In a groundbreaking development, the Georgia Board of Pharmacy has opened its doors to applications from nearly 120 pharmacies looking to provide medical marijuana products. This historic move makes Georgia the first state in the nation to permit the sale of low-dose cannabis within independent drug stores.


Michigan’s Wholesale Cannabis Flower Prices Show Signs of Stabilization and Upward Movement

Michigan’s Wholesale Cannabis Flower Prices Show Signs of Stabilization and Upward Movement

Wholesale marijuana flower prices in Michigan have experienced a recent stabilization and slight increase, providing some hope for producers who faced significant price declines in recent years.

Michigan holds a prominent position in the legal marijuana market and is projected to rank as the second-largest state in terms of annual recreational and medical cannabis sales, trailing only California.

Industry experts attribute the modest stabilization in wholesale prices in Michigan to several factors:

  1. Absorption of excess outdoor cannabis from the previous season.
  2. The increasing number of municipal governments allowing retail sales.
  3. Authorities cracking down on illicit activity within the licensed market.

Narmin Jarrous, Chief Development Officer at Exclusive Brands, a vertically integrated cannabis company based in Livonia, Michigan, highlights the negative impact of illegal and non-compliant products being sold at extremely low prices, which can disrupt the market and affect pricing for various cannabis products.

However, other factors continue to exert downward pressure on prices, including significant outdoor production during the warmer months and the absence of a statewide cap on the number of cannabis business licenses, making the sustainability of wholesale price stabilization uncertain.

Michigan wholesale marijuana flower prices – Per pound

Michigan’s adult-use market was launched in December 2019, initially witnessing high prices due to limited supply and growing demand. However, prices have not returned to those levels. According to data from LeafLink, the average per-pound price for flower dropped by 61% to approximately $1,510 by February 2021, fell further by 29% to $1,075 by February 2022, and slipped another 27% year-over-year to $789 by February 2023.

Nevertheless, there has been a recent upward trend in flower prices. The average per-pound wholesale price rose to $832 in April, $907 in May, and $963 in June.

Producers in Michigan vividly recall the rock-bottom prices they faced, with some selling pounds of flower for as low as $400 or $500. These extreme price levels led to cultivators consolidating or shutting down their operations, unable to sustain such low prices.

The supply-demand dynamics in Michigan’s legal cannabis market underwent significant changes. In 2022, legal cannabis retail sales reached $2.3 billion, and the 2023 MJBiz Factbook projects sales to potentially reach $3.1 billion, including $220 million in medical marijuana sales.

Michigan’s lack of a statewide cap on cannabis business licenses resulted in explosive growth in both supply and demand. LeafLink strategist Ben Burstein explains that numerous cannabis retail operations and cultivation licenses were established in early 2020, but it took time for new cultivators to optimize their yields, leading to high wholesale prices initially.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic boosted marijuana sales nationwide, attracting capital investments in Michigan’s legal market. This influx of investment, combined with improved yields and production capacity from existing cultivators, resulted in a surge of supply by late 2021. However, the market did not have enough demand to absorb the outdoor harvest, leading to a significant decline in prices.

The oversupply issue extended to other product formats as manufacturers converted excess flower into cannabis distillate and derivatives.

The recent stabilization and slight increase in Michigan’s wholesale flower prices can be attributed to several factors. The time elapsed since the previous outdoor harvest has allowed for the conversion of excess flower into distillate and its purchase by consumers. The increase in demand, partially due to seasonality and the adoption of retail sales by local governments, has also contributed to the changing price trend.

Narmin Jarrous of Exclusive Brands believes that increased enforcement actions by Michigan’s Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) have played a role in stabilizing prices. The CRA has taken action against operators engaged in illicit conduct, which has negatively affected the market and pricing.

Calyxeum’s CEO, Rebecca Colett, mentions that the drastic price drop was likely caused by illegal activity that the CRA previously overlooked. With a renewed focus on enforcement under the new CRA chief, Brian Hanna, Colett expects more stability in prices.

During the period of declining prices, Michigan’s cannabis producers had to adapt to survive and maintain margins. Cost-cutting measures included installing automated production systems to reduce payroll expenses and seeking new vendors and packaging machinery to lower packaging costs.

Despite the recent positive trends, there are concerns about the future. LeafLink analyst Ben Burstein expects another substantial outdoor harvest later this year, combined with an increase in cultivation and processing licenses issued since last year. This may lead to a surplus of supply relative to demand, potentially driving prices down again.

In response, cannabis producers like Calyxeum remain cautious and focus on operating efficiently to withstand any potential price fluctuations. Colett anticipates a prosperous summer for cultivators due to late-starting outdoor grows and predicts a potential production drought, allowing cultivators to charge premium prices similar to those during the pandemic.

Looking ahead, Jarrous hopes for more stability in the industry as Michigan’s cannabis market matures and producers gain confidence. However, the seasonal nature of cannabis supply in Michigan and the market’s exposure to outdoor production capacity make it likely that prices will start declining again in the future. Calyxeum plans to operate conservatively and improve margins while remaining prepared for any potential challenges in the fall.

Source: Mjbizdaily


Major Corporations Investing in Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, major corporations are increasingly taking notice and investing in the industry. In April of 2023, a major beverage company announced a $100 million investment in a cannabis-infused drink startup, signaling the growing trend of large corporations entering the cannabis space.

Cannabis Growers in Arizona: Nurturing the Green Industry

The legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational use has opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs and cultivators across the United States. One state that has experienced a significant shift in its cannabis industry is Arizona. With the passing of Proposition 207 in 2020, which legalized recreational marijuana, the demand for cannabis products has surged, leading to a flourishing market. This article delves into the world of cannabis growers in Arizona, exploring the cultivation process, economic impact, regulations, and the challenges and opportunities that arise in this dynamic industry.

U.S. Cannabis Sales Could Total $71B in 2030 Without Federal Legalization

The recently released 2023 U.S. Cannabis Report by New Frontier Data has shed light on the remarkable growth potential of the cannabis industry in the United States. With state-level legalization gaining momentum and the absence of federal policy reform, the report predicts a substantial increase in annual cannabis sales over the next seven years.

Here is a map of all the cannabis stores in Arizona 2023

In November 2020, Arizona voters made a historic decision by legalizing recreational cannabis in the state. Since then, the cannabis industry has been on a steady rise, transforming the state’s economic and social landscape. If you’re looking to explore the Green Desert and understand the ins and outs of cannabis shops in Arizona in 2023, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the legal framework, the types of cannabis shops you can find, their geographic distribution, notable brands and products, the customer experience, pricing and taxes, health and safety considerations, and even a glimpse into the future of the industry.


Cannabis and Sports: A Complex Relationship Explored

Cannabis and Sports: A Complex Relationship Explored

The intersection of cannabis and sports has gained significant attention and scrutiny in recent years. Athletes across various disciplines are turning to cannabis for a range of reasons, including pain management, relaxation, and recovery. However, the relationship between cannabis and sports performance is a complex one, with both potential benefits and drawbacks that necessitate closer examination.

The prevalence of cannabis use among athletes has been on the rise, fueled by the belief that it may enhance performance or aid in the recovery process. Many athletes claim that cannabis helps them manage pain and inflammation, enabling them to push through intense workouts or competitive events. Furthermore, cannabis has been touted for its relaxation and anti-anxiety effects, potentially reducing pre-competition jitters and promoting restful sleep, which are crucial for optimal athletic performance.

Cannabis has shown promise in helping athletes in various ways. For instance, certain compounds found in cannabis, such as cannabidiol (CBD), have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in the recovery process by reducing inflammation and promoting faster healing of injuries. Moreover, CBD has been reported to have analgesic effects, providing pain relief without the potential addictive properties associated with opioids. This natural alternative may be particularly appealing to athletes who seek non-pharmaceutical options for managing pain. Additionally, cannabis may have muscle-relaxing properties that can help alleviate muscle tension and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for athletes during rest and recovery periods.

It is important to note that while there is anecdotal evidence supporting these potential benefits, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and effectiveness of cannabis in enhancing athletic performance and recovery. Athletes considering cannabis use should consult with medical professionals and adhere to the regulations set forth by their sports organizations.

Cannabis use among athletes may have potential benefits as well as drawbacks. On the positive side, some athletes claim that cannabis helps them manage pain and inflammation, allowing them to push through strenuous workouts or competitions. Compounds like CBD found in cannabis have shown promise in reducing inflammation and providing analgesic effects, potentially aiding in the recovery process and offering a natural alternative to traditional pain management methods. Additionally, cannabis may have relaxation and anti-anxiety effects that could benefit athletes by reducing pre-competition jitters or promoting restful sleep, which is crucial for optimal performance.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the impact of cannabis on sports performance is still not well understood, and there are potential drawbacks that need to be carefully considered. Cannabis use can impair cognitive function, motor skills, and reaction times, which could prove detrimental in sports that demand precision and rapid decision-making. Athletes must be cognizant of the potential risks associated with impaired performance due to cannabis use.

In addition to the performance-related concerns, certain sports organizations and competitions have stringent anti-doping policies that explicitly prohibit the use of cannabis. Athletes who test positive for cannabis may face disciplinary action, which can range from fines to suspension. Therefore, athletes must be fully aware of the rules and regulations regarding cannabis use in their respective sports and take appropriate measures to comply with these policies.

Furthermore, the long-term effects of chronic cannabis use on athletic performance and overall health are still being investigated. The potential respiratory risks associated with smoking cannabis, such as lung damage and respiratory infections, are important considerations, particularly for athletes engaged in endurance activities that heavily tax the respiratory system. Similarly, the impact of cannabis on cardiovascular health, such as changes in heart rate and blood pressure, warrants further exploration.

The relationship between cannabis and sports performance is multi-faceted, presenting potential benefits as well as drawbacks. While some athletes may find relief and relaxation through cannabis use, it is essential to weigh these advantages against potential impairments to cognitive and motor function. Additionally, athletes must familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations surrounding cannabis use in their respective sports to ensure compliance with anti-doping policies.

As research in this field continues to evolve, it is of utmost importance for athletes and sports organizations to make informed decisions regarding cannabis use. This includes understanding the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis while prioritizing the safety and integrity of athletic competition. By doing so, athletes can navigate the complex relationship between cannabis and sports with greater awareness and responsibility.


Major Corporations Investing in Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, major corporations are increasingly taking notice and investing in the industry. In April of 2023, a major beverage company announced a $100 million investment in a cannabis-infused drink startup, signaling the growing trend of large corporations entering the cannabis space.

Cannabis Infused Beverages Are On The Rise

Cannabis consumption is no longer limited to smoking or edibles. In recent years, the industry has seen the rise of cannabis-infused beverages as a new way for consumers to enjoy the benefits of cannabis. These drinks come in various forms such as sodas, teas, beers, and even wines. With their discreet nature and easy consumption, cannabis-infused beverages have become increasingly popular among cannabis consumers.

How California’s Delivery Services Are Redefining the Retail Industry

The retail industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past few years, and one of the biggest drivers of this change has been the rise of e-commerce and delivery services. As consumers increasingly turn to online shopping, companies are finding new ways to deliver goods to customers quickly and efficiently. California has been at the forefront of this trend, with delivery services like YesDelivery redefining the retail industry.

Maryland Cannabis Legalization Takes Effect This Weekend, With Sales Set To Launch As Governor Reaffirms Equity Goals

Maryland is gearing up for the official implementation of its marijuana legalization law, set to take effect this weekend. The new law will legalize the possession and cultivation of cannabis for personal use, marking a significant milestone for the state. As the majority of existing medical cannabis dispensaries prepare to open their doors to adult consumers, Governor Wes Moore is reaffirming his commitment to fostering an equitable and inclusive cannabis industry.


The Significance of Medical Cannabis in Shifting Public Attitudes

The Significance of Medical Cannabis in Shifting Public Attitudes

New Frontier Data recently unveiled the first part of their report titled “Cannabis Consumers in America 2023: An Overview of Consumers Today.” This comprehensive study delves into the preferences, behaviors, and beliefs of over 4,300 adult cannabis consumers, as well as the perspectives of more than 1,100 non-consumers regarding potential cannabis use and their opinions about the plant.

Among the survey’s findings, one aspect that stood out was the enduring importance of cannabis as a medical remedy. This significance extends not only to current consumers who rely on cannabis for improved well-being, but also to its role in legitimizing the plant among those who do not consume it.

The survey revealed that 42% of adults in the United States have either used cannabis or are likely to use it in the future. Furthermore, 37% of U.S. adults fall into the category of “current consumers,” indicating that they use cannabis at least once a year and plan to continue doing so.

Interestingly, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of U.S. adults who identify as cannabis consumers compared to last year. Concurrently, the proportion of adults who claim they will never consume cannabis has slightly decreased from 34% to 30%. These findings suggest a gradual shift in societal attitudes towards cannabis, possibly driven by reduced stigma and broader legal accessibility.

Cannabis consumers’ openness about their use—and their success in managing medical conditions with cannabis—has affected the broader narrative about the drug.

The openness displayed by cannabis consumers regarding their use and the positive impact of cannabis in managing various medical conditions have influenced the overall perception of the drug. Notably, the majority of current consumers, approximately 70%, perceive their cannabis use as having at least some medical purpose. Among them, 15% exclusively use cannabis for medical reasons, 28% primarily for medical purposes, and 25% primarily for recreational enjoyment, with some medical benefits as well.

Remarkably, 94% of self-identified medical consumers reported that using cannabis has had a positive effect on their medical conditions or symptoms. Over half of them, 55%, experienced significant improvements in their well-being.

While cannabis patients have long appreciated these medical benefits, the recent shift in societal acceptance has allowed consumers to openly discuss their cannabis use with friends, family, and even coworkers. Surprisingly, 48% of consumers stated that their colleagues were aware of their cannabis consumption.

As cannabis becomes destigmatized, individuals are increasingly sharing their positive medical experiences with their social circles. This personalized counternarrative challenges the prohibitionist messaging based on propaganda prevalent during the past few decades.

Non-consumers, on the other hand, find medical reasons to be the most persuasive when considering cannabis use. Exposure to the positive experiences of loved ones using medical cannabis, coupled with the widespread legalization of cannabis for medical purposes in numerous states, has contributed to the plant’s legitimacy as medicine in the eyes of non-consumers. Many non-consumers would be open to trying cannabis if they were suffering from a medical condition that could potentially benefit from it or if it were recommended by a healthcare professional.

While the legal cannabis industry predominantly focuses on the adult-use market, it is crucial to keep medical cannabis at the forefront. Medical cannabis offers relief to millions of consumers who have had limited success with alternative remedies. Additionally, medical cannabis garners compassion and support from non-consumers who recognize its value in promoting health and well-being.

Source: New Frontier Data


Major Corporations Investing in Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, major corporations are increasingly taking notice and investing in the industry. In April of 2023, a major beverage company announced a $100 million investment in a cannabis-infused drink startup, signaling the growing trend of large corporations entering the cannabis space.

New Jersey’s Cannabis Tax Revenue Alleviates Violence with $5 Million for Prevention Efforts

In a remarkable step towards promoting community safety and well-being, New Jersey’s state program, initiated in 2021, continues to make strides by allocating $15 million to bolster Community-Based Violence Intervention (CBVI) programs. Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin unveiled this groundbreaking initiative, which earmarks a portion of its funding from the cannabis tax revenue, aimed at supporting community-led organizations committed to violence prevention.

A Green Opportunity: Advertising in the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, evolving from a taboo, underground market to a legitimate, booming industry. As legalization continues to spread across the United States and other parts of the world, businesses within the cannabis sector are faced with a unique challenge: how to effectively advertise their products and services in a heavily regulated and stigmatized environment.


Exploring Cannabis Consumer Archetypes in America: Trends and Insights for 2023

Exploring Cannabis Consumer Archetypes in America: Trends and Insights for 2023

New Frontier Data presents the 2023 archetypes of cannabis consumers in America. The report highlights nine consumer archetypes based on the latest consumer survey data.

The first archetype is Savvy Connoisseurs, comprising 13% of consumers. They are heavy cannabis users who consume it multiple times a day for various medical and recreational purposes. They obtain cannabis from both legal sources like dispensaries and informal channels such as friends or illicit dealers. Savvy Connoisseurs are the highest spenders and often purchase cannabis weekly.

The second archetype is Contemporary Lifestylers, representing 16% of consumers. They primarily use cannabis recreationally to relax. They prefer smokable cannabis but also try non-smokable products occasionally. All Contemporary Lifestylers live in states where cannabis use is legal and rely on regulated sources like dispensaries. They are moderate-to-high spenders and frequently acquire cannabis.

The third archetype, Medical Lifestylers, makes up 12% of consumers. They are frequent cannabis users who primarily use smokable products but occasionally explore edibles or other non-smokable forms. Medical Lifestylers consume cannabis for medical reasons, such as pain management or treating medical conditions. They mainly obtain cannabis from legal dispensaries and delivery services. Medical Lifestylers are the second-highest spenders after Savvy Connoisseurs.

The fourth archetype, Legacy Lifestylers, represents 13% of consumers. Like other Lifestyler archetypes, Legacy Lifestylers are frequent cannabis consumers who predominantly smoke cannabis for recreational purposes. However, they live in states where cannabis is illegal or are unregistered patients in medical-only states, limiting their access to legal dispensaries. Therefore, they primarily rely on friends and illicit dealers for their cannabis supply. Legacy Lifestylers acquire cannabis with similar frequency as their legal counterparts and spend only slightly less per purchase.

The data highlights changes in consumer distribution among the archetypes compared to the previous year. The Legacy Lifestyler archetype has decreased from 16% to 13% due to the expansion of legal access to cannabis in several states. As more states legalize cannabis, Legacy Lifestylers are expected to transition into the Contemporary and Medical Lifestyler archetypes based on their medical or recreational goals. Over time, exposure to a wider range of legal cannabis products may lead them to prefer non-smokable options and potentially shift to other archetypes.

The Savvy Connoisseur archetype has also reduced in size from 18% to 13%, potentially influenced by new consumers entering the market and pandemic-related changes in consumption habits. Consumers in newly legal markets may have established their preferred products and routines, requiring less experimentation. As cannabis becomes more mainstream, the need to educate friends about new products or procure products for social circles may also decrease.

For effective communication with these consumer segments, the article suggests reaching out to NXTeck’s B2C division, which specializes in delivering targeted digital campaigns in the cannabis industry. NXTeck offers audience targeting, analytics, and attribution reporting based on location, point-of-sale, and social science data, utilizing the industry’s largest cannabis and CBD consumer audience dataset.

For further information on the consumer archetypes, the complete report will be released next month. For inquiries, contact NXTeck via email at


Source: NewFrontierData


Major Corporations Investing in Cannabis

As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, major corporations are increasingly taking notice and investing in the industry. In April of 2023, a major beverage company announced a $100 million investment in a cannabis-infused drink startup, signaling the growing trend of large corporations entering the cannabis space.

The Cannabis Boom: How America’s Love for the Plant is Reshaping Markets

Cannabis once shrouded in controversy and legal restrictions, has now firmly entrenched itself in the mainstream American consumer landscape. The plant that was once relegated to underground markets is now a thriving industry, with Americans showing an insatiable appetite for legal cannabis products. According to a recent comprehensive report from MJBizDaily, a prominent cannabis industry publication, Americans spent a staggering $30 billion on legal cannabis products in 2022 alone. This astronomical figure not only reflects the plant’s widespread acceptance but also surpasses the combined sales of beloved staples like chocolate and craft beer, which amounted to $20 billion and $7.9 billion, respectively.

Georgia Approves Independent Pharmacies to Sell Cannabis Oil, Expanding Access to Medical Treatment

Georgia’s regulatory authorities have taken a significant step towards improving access to medical cannabis treatment for patients in the state. The state Board of Pharmacy has recently introduced a set of regulations that will allow independent pharmacies in Georgia to dispense cannabis oil to eligible patients enrolled in the state Department of Public Health’s registry, as reported by Northwest Georgia News.

Blue Dream’s Two Decades of Influence: Unraveling the Origins and Impact

From Haze to Skunk, OG to Cookies, the cannabis market has been shaped by remarkable strains that encapsulate their respective eras. Among them, Blue Dream emerged as a defining cultivar around 2003, reigning until approximately 2011 when shifting market preferences opened the door for a new strain to take the spotlight. As we commemorate two decades of Blue Dream’s legacy, it’s intriguing to note that despite its celebrated status as the “most popular strain on the planet” at one point, there remains a surprising shroud of uncertainty surrounding its true origins and characteristics.
